04 August, 2006

Rain in the Twilight....

I love the night... always.. hands down its my favourite part of the day.. especially the twilight.. today was nothing special except that I chose to write about it and of course... coz its been raining... call me weird.. but I do love just staring blankly into space with nothing on my mind.. I find it relaxing.. and today I was doing the same when I suddenly realised how my breath condensed on the glass of the window.. only to disappear and re-appear constantly as I inhaled n exhaled.... and like a child.. I tried to make some random shapes in that condesation before it vanished.. some things just dont change with age [*cough* im supposed to be ( or atleast act..) all mature coz I've officially been an adult for 16 days now...]
So I watched the cars swoosh down the road... cutting through the water and making it fly to the sides... and saw the water catch the amber glow of the street light and subside like a thousand golden beads.. only to join the murky puddle once again... but isnt life like that?? Seems so special for one moment.. only to snap back to reality the next...
It always gives me a stange sense of helplessness to see the wind ruffle the leaves on huge trees and to make them sway like mere puppets.. something that u cant even see.. can do something so great..
For a moment.. I forgot everything.. forgot my existance as I stared in awe at the simplicity and the beauty of a steady drizzle...then my nose touched the glass and sent shivers down my spine as I suddenly became aware of myself.. my cold hands...my feet on the cold floor..thats when I opened the window... and let the rain touch my face....


srin said...

cant flick this ... too good fer me :-D

Anonymous said...

okay....u are a much better writer then me...n right now dont remind me of how nice life can be cause i have so many projects to do..n such lil time...ah varenya yr writing style is jus too good....wanna write my projects for me?
kidding...keep up da good work...

Anonymous said...

u really have a talent of writing just the banal stuff in a really interesting manner...use this talent usefully..don't let it get rusty...on the other hand, who am i to give someone any advice..i'll b appreciative of this talent...tht's it...u really r awesome while putting ur intimate thoughts into the written code...

Anonymous said...

beautiful..the way u've described it.. is just beautiful.. so true.. keep it up var!

Anonymous said...

Excellent piece!!!omg!!! wish i cld write like that!!! been thru the same feeling b4 in life(unaware of the existence of mankind in this vast universe). what is it about the nature of the human mind to feel inconspicious???it (the childish nature in each of us that makes us try random... discrete.. stuff) really struck a chord .and the last paragraph was simply amazing. the last line says it all. u can paint with words... beautifully too....