04 August, 2006


They say real talent never dies.. "They" obviously doesnt include my parents.. According to them.. My writing skills have become so rusty.. That when i hold a pen today.. I see a little smile lurking around the corners of their lips.. As if they are wondering whether i still know how to write.. Oh yeah... I agree... But with a key board handy.. Who wants a pen anyway?? But they do have a point.. And its high time I oiled those rusty wheels and set them in motion.. And guess what it took to inspire the lazy bum to stretch those fingers and start clicking the keys once again.. not for instant message windows for a change.. It was one Big Brother ... Showcasing his hidden talent... reminding one LAZY kid sister.. that there was something not as good.. yet.. something.. somewhere else in the family too.. So here goes.. Thanx for the inspiration!!


srin said...

Big bro here .. keep blogging. Better than scrapping.

Anonymous said...

lol...hey varenya i have faith in u....im sure u can still write as well as u did before which got u so many fans in school...keep blogging...

Anonymous said...

hey u r jus 2 amazing in ur penwork varenya.. so dont ever lose hope n this a too good a start....GOOD LUCK n u'd better keep BLOGGING....

Anonymous said...

hey small cat... it is indeed quite impressive.Its always nice to have a feel of the night..i always do it.sit around in my garden and look up at the black but beautiful unknown.The pleasure is not in sitting alone but being with a million more things around you which you might not realize-are staring and glaring back at you. Nights have always been FASCINATING pretty,beautiful,stunning,gorgeous and when we try to be a part of the darkness ONE tends to become a part of it and love every moment of it.